on Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011, EMO sa Makati Desk

Imagine yourself dancing in the rain... you getting wet and you closing your eyes... you feeling the raindrops falling... I haven't done that in a while. Funny that when you get old you tend to disregard silly things such as bathing in the rain.
Imagine you giving food relief to the needy which as selfish as it may sound... the relief giving is not for them... but for you. Because every sack that you give... it's like an added thanksfulness in your life that for once... you did something with worth.

Imagine a girl running at dawn where the sun is about to shine. You don't see clearly how she's sweating but isn't that one of the most beautiful thing that you see. She's breaking free... no worries... just her and the road. No rules. No boundaries.

Imagine yourself looking into the eyes of the one you love. When was it that fate has revealed to you that she's the one? When was the last time that you look at her closely and tell her meaningfully through your gaze that your love will last forever?

Imagine people riding jeepneys... buses... getting to their destination. Lucky ones go home to a house full of joy and love. Some go home to an empty room... some just have nowhere else to go...

Imagine you paying attention to LIFE from now on...

Imagine all these things are just temporary but as of now you feel that it could last... but it couldn't, could it?

It couldn't. Accept that.

The time when you can accept that things change. That's the time when you can learn how to appreciate LIFE and what its offering you... a lifetime of adventure... minute by minute showcase of amazing and hidden things... second by second of opportunities for you to grab.

Think about it.