on Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 23, 2011, Sucat

When I got down the stairs Saturday morning and I knew that my brother and his daughters are there for the weekend. The house is bustling with chatters from 3 girls who's got nothing better to do than talk with hotdog on one hand. The Sucat house has been invaded once again.

It was just a normal weekend only this time we spent it with family of course. We even went to Baclaran Church and commute as one family. It was loads of fun especially when my niece Shane decided to throw tantrums on our way home.

The only thing that's great about having my brother over the weekend is the MEALS. My mom would prepare this sumptuous breakfast with grilled Tulingan accompanied with spicy sawsawan. The lunch is as good as the breakfast. I think my mom always makes my brother these meals because she knew he would never have it in Nueva Ecija. He is in the army by the way. 

At night, we took a walk minus my brother. I promised the three girls to get them ice cream down the road. I can't say I'm a model Aunt but when it comes to them... I tend to do a little grounding on my own. Maybe it's my way of showing them how lucky they are right now when we could afford something... luckier than us when we couldn't even have airconditioning in out room. Of course my mom would always brag about them living with just veggies as food.

Overall, it was great to catch up again on Domingo Family. I don't think I admitted it to somebody but I believe we are a tight-knit family. ^___^