July 14, 2011, Makati.
I’m sorry but I can’t help myself. I have to cite some things that maybe all of you know already but... you know what? I might have known her a little deeper than most of you. After all, 6 years is hard to come by and every step of the way Yna and I have been butting heads, gossiping breadwinners and laughing at hilarious moments.
1512 days, 7 days a week, 8 hours a day, who doesn’t know someone if you had been with them that long? And when I get to know that someone… I am bound to hate that person.
10 things I hate about YNA
10. I hate how she remembers every single detail about things. I have a brilliant mind and I can tell you that I have a vast recall on things, but this girl has got this amazing KNACK for all things to consider. When you have an admin like her who plans your vacation, buckle up because you won’t have anything to worry, SHE CONSIDERED, PLANNED AND PREPARED FOR IT. Even the terminal fees and allowances. Remember that Calatagan trip when we had our own allowances for us to enjoy it? SUPER GREAT.
8. I hate how she has the courage to speak up to Mady. And argue about everything from budgets to the welfare of every employee in Barlines. I can talk back to Mady provided that I am right but not on everything.
7. I hate how she likes hearts… fairytales… fairy godmothers… Santa Claus. Sorry, I can say I’m not jaded enough to hate the idea of fantasy all around us but oh my… the child in Yna come bursting in… and it’s contagious. One minute I know myself to be over that happy ending things and that destiny is to be search and act on… then one minute I will start to believe that there maybe things she does know that I don’t… and that’s how sometimes… the tooth fairy can make Pinocchio a real boy… All you need it to BELIEVE.
6. I hate how she’s a good sport and I’m not. This is coming from a girl who was once fat and now has issues with being joked at that she’s going to be fat again. Yna knows no boundaries on whether she is the topic of every joke. She handles it like she doesn’t care, she’s gorgeous and you can eat your heart out. Amen to that.
4. I hate how she obsesses on ONE thing and one thing only (ALL DAY). One day she got mistaken as a married woman with kids (probably that retarded guy just wants to hit on her and wants to know as well if she’s available)… and you know what happened next? Every BREADWINNER in the office was asked if she looked like someone who is married and has kids. And I told her that she’s so beautiful that it’s just unbelievable that she’s not hitched yet and that probably that was what the guy thought too. Oh NO… you thought the issue is going to end there… nah… we had to reassure her all afternoon that that jerk was really just hitting on her… too bad he encountered a clueless person like my friend here.
2. I hate it when we are on different sides. She had different views than mine… she’s careful, cautious and tends to make things clearer by the minute when I am the one barging in… taking the plunge and getting hurt. I guess I wanted her to try and live life the way I want her to live it. But then again, she has this perfect little world that you wouldn’t want to ruin it for her.
1. I hate how she can strike a chord inside me when she happens to be right at something that I am good at. I admit that I was earthbound... hit rock bottom months ago and doesn't want care about work and things. She suddenly attack me with texts about how I allow my friends to cover for me and how did I manage to go 360 degrees from this no-nonsense girl to being to total bitch not showing up for work and all... and she did hit a chord because after that, I got so angry for not cutting me some slack (and then realizing that... wait a minute... she already did that countless times for me... I guess I was a total bitch after all)... so I straighten up... with some help... some saving... some friends who were there...
I hate these things about her because some of these things… I strive to do them and yet this girl unwittingly and unknowingly does this all the time… She’s effortless in achieving things while I am working hard to do them…
I hate them because no matter how you hate little things in someone… that’s one of the factors why they leave impressions to your heart… and those impressions will make you laugh just thinking about it… will make you fight back just thinking how she fought back… will make you take life not so seriously… and ultimately… will make you BELIEVE in unbelievable things like a FRIEND that you hate to love but you love nonetheless.
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